Let No Crisis Go to Waste: Takes full advantage of the Bridge escape to justify stricter control of the capital, claiming it to be a "terrorist attack".Law Enforcement, Inc.: Turned MBI into this when he took control of Tokyo and all authority.Laughably Evil: While he's a shifty Corrupt Corporate Executive, it's hard to not get a laugh out of his hammy and trickster character.
He's still alive in the end of the series running MBI, but upon the Sekirei Plan being over, his organization is suffering from his actions, all the Sekirei are now freed, and despite Minato now working for MBI to help the Sekirei, he and Yukari have no desire to be with him or get to know him and will live forever never getting to know his own children. Large Ham: He loves being overly dramatic and flashy, especially during his speeches.I Gave My Word: He's an amoral scumbag to the core, but when he gives his word, he will honor it.It's All About Me: He pretty much acts like a child wanting the game to go the way he wants for his own amusement and cares more about how fun it is for himself despite others dying from the cause.It Amused Me: Pretty much his reason for doing anything.I Gave My Word: He honored Takehito's request to not involve Miya in the Sekirei Plan.Hybrid Power: His Sekirei ancestry is what allowed him to enter and reactivate the crashed Sekirei ship.After being rejected, Kazehana was hung up on him for 20 years until she falls for Minato. First Love: She was the first man Kazehana ever loved.Lampshaded in the anime, when his laugh tapers off to coughing when he pushes it too far. Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He genuinely cares about Takami, and has expressed interest in being a father to Yukari and Minato, despite Takami's objections.Minaka has shown interest in knowing how Yukari turned out to be, but Takami doesn't want him near their kids. Minato doesn't even know Minaka is his father until near the end of the series because his mother told him his father was dead. Disappeared Dad: It is shown that he hasn't been in touch with his children for years or never met them to begin with.Diabolical Mastermind: He always seems one step ahead of everyone else, with everything playing into his game.Crazy-Prepared: Escape hatches? Robotic messengers? An emergency escape rocket? He apparently keeps stuff around just in case he gets a chance to use them.He can pretty much do whatever he wants, due to his power and influence. Corrupt Corporate Executive: The corrupt corporate executive of the series.Minaka is asking her to get legally married all the time, but Takami keeps refusing. Common Law Marriage: He and Takami are in a complicated relationship and have two children together.The Chessmaster: The head of the Sekirei Plan, literally using everyone involved as his game pieces.Homura cannot resist the chance to Kill It with Fire anyway. Big Entrance: Hanging from a rope ladder, extended from an MBI turns out it's Actually a Doombot, which warns that is about to explode.Big Bad: The main antagonist of the series who is behind the entire Sekirei Plan, controlling everything.Affably Evil: Dude might be the power mad head of MBI, but dude's got style.Adventurer Archaeologist: Attempting to be this, prior to discovering the Sekirei.Hiroto has completely taken over the city with MBI in order to implement Sekirei Plan in which all Sekirei and their Ashikabi must participate. The eccentric chairman and founder of MBI. Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (JP), Chuck Huber (EN)